Chinmaya Mission Alphabet

We have all learned our alphabet – but let's review what the letters stand for!

A is for Ambition
which elevates you to higher ideals.

B is for Brotherhood
which links one and all together.

C is for Cleanliness
which good boys and girls should cultivate.

D is for Dad
who works hard for our health and education.

E is for Enthusiasm
which is the first step for reaching success.

F is for Friendship
which can be bought but can easily be won with love.

G is for God
Who made us and loves us, and helps us to live and love.

H is for Health
which is our greatest wealth.

I is for Immortality
which is gained through great sacrifices and selfless deeds.

J is for Joy
which brightens our days and sweetens our life.

K is for Kindness
which is a miracle to drive sadness away and bring sunshine to the poor, weak and sick.

L is for Love
which like the sun warms itself and all others around.

M is for Mother
who is Divine and the very symbol of sacrifice, whose only concern is our welfare.

N is for Nobility
which is the brightest jewel of our character.

O is for Obedience
which we must always show to Mother, Father, Teacher and God.

P is for Prayer
which is the greatest solace and protection under all circumstances.

Q is for Quiet
which is so precious and rare because in the quietude of our heart God speaks to us.

R is for Righteousness
which we must imbibe in all our thoughts, words and deeds.

S is for Smile
which is our Swamiji’s motto for all BalaVihar children.

T is for Truth
which is to be adhered to at all times.

U is for Unity
United we stand, but divided we fall.

V is for Victory
Victory of goodness over evil — all your aspirations should be.

W is for Work
which is dedicated service and a key to win God’s love.

X is for (E)xcellence
which could be gained by sincere and regular studies.

Y is for Youth
which is the best period for striving to reach our goal.

Z is for Zeal
which helps in all our endeavors.

(Taken from "My Prayers", published by Chinmaya Publications)