Likhita Japa (and Charkha Spinning)

Summer Camp 2010 (Grades 4 and up)
This week we will introduce the importance of keeping a journal for likhita japa. The children will be encouraged to express their japa in a very personal and creative way,  using color and spontaneous writing on the page. The goal is to encourage the child to connect with their mantra while enjoying the process.

For older children (grades 4 and up): Please note that after Week 1 we will continue to set aside the first 30 minutes of every art class (each week) for Likhita Japa or Book Charkha spinning  (click here to view info on the charkha.) The child can decide on each day which they prefer to do, but they must choose one!

We will start our Week 1 with a challenge:  The children will each be given 3 different colored pens and told to choose only one to begin their writing with. However, once their mind begins to wander from their mantra, they must put that pen down and pick up another color to continue writing with. This process will be repeated until our pre-determined time has ended.  Our goal is for each of us to end up with only one color on the page by the end of the week! 

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Photographs are copyrighted. 2010