June 23, 2009

Morning Prayers Recited:

• Om Saha naavatu
• Karagre Vaasate
• Sarasvati Namastubhyam
• Guru Brahma

Vedic Chanting: We will start Wednesday.

Bhajans: None

Storytime with Swamiji: MatsyaH Avatara (movie)

Shaanti Circle Discussion: We learned how to use Ahimsa, to keep our hands to ourselves and to use nicer words to vent out our anger. We also discussed family values and what makes up a family. Finally we learned the meaning of "Shanti" and peace and how we should treat other people.

Art Project: Beaded Mice ("mooshakaH"), Hari OM bracelets, and learning the knots for our japa mala.

End of Class Prayers: Poornamadah, Chinmaya Pledge

Photo Gallery: June 23 (click here to view)

Comments: We had lots of fun playing outside in the sun today!! Be sure and check out the really cool drawings on the pavement when you view the pic gallery. Chalk artwork seems to be a big hit with everyone ... along with the super duper bubble solution. Yesterday our caterpillars arrived and we were very busy seeing to it that they got safely transferred to their individual little cups. Right now they seem pretty small ... but in a few weeks they will become "pleasantly plump" as they get ready to begin to spin their coccon for the metamorphisis stage. We are looking forward to the day when these little guys will emerge into Painted Lady butterflies and be released in the Ashram gardens.

Swamiji shared a movie with us today on the MatsyaH avatara. It felt like we were in a movie house! He projected the serial onto a wall which filled a big portion of the satsang area. We'll get the second half tomorrow -- when the downpour and flood begins. Manu has just been told what is about to occur by Lord Vishnu ... we're at a cliff hanger ...

Our first vedic chanting class begins tomorrow. We've been talking about this class for two days now, and everyone is getting really excited to begin! Not only is Wednesday supposed to be an auspicious day to begin our chanting -- but the rest of our camper friends will be joining us. School is now officially out in New Jersey -- today was the last day!!

Definitely come back tomorrow to hear all about our new experiences!