June 25, 2009

Morning Prayers Recited:

• Om Saha naavatu
• Karagre Vaasate
• Sarasvati Namastubhyam
• Guru Brahma

Vedic Chanting: Medha Sukhtam with Panditji.

Bhajans: Ganesha Sharanam and Subramanyam

Storytime with Swamiji: The churning of the milky ocean and how Lord Shiva got a blue neck.

Shaanti Circle Discussion: We were introduced to a new friend from Singapore today. We were very glad to have him visit us for the day and hope that he will join us again when he is in town!

Art Project: The younger grades (1-3) strung a japa mala (108 beads). The older grades (4-8) finished designing their work on graph paper and bead looms.

End of Class Prayers: Poornamadah, Chinmaya Pledge

Photo Gallery: June 25 (click here to view)

Comments: Our younger children did a fabulous job counting out 108 beads for their japa mala -- counting up to 108 is not an easy thing to do! The children chanted "OM Namah Shivaya" with every bead they put on their string. Tomorrow we will sew a felted bag to safely store the malas in. If there is time the children will decorate their bags with beads and fabric paint.

The older children continued weaving on their bead looms -- many of them working on their original designs. We are very proud of their patience and perservence in plotting their ideas on graph paper and then diligently executing their work ... bead by bead. Do take time to browse the gallery to view their work.

The Lego Science Kits came out today -- our teen volunteers worked with the campers to create motorized cars that the kids raced in the ashram ... it got pretty loud there a few times :-)

It was definitely a hot and humid day -- the kind that takes the starch completely out of you. Sooooo, the kids finally got hosed down in the field -- truly some good water fun! Most of the children took their wet clothes home at the end of the day. However, if you notice that your child is in clothes that you did not dress them in (and you don't see any clothes in their backpack) please check the drying line at the ashram. Chances are that the clothes are there. Just so you know ... everything unclaimed goes into the lost in found box at the end of the week.

Make sure you pack another set of shorts and t-shirt for tomorrow (Friday). We're thinking that it's going to be another water-filled afternoon.

And finally, we wish Swetha a very Happy Birthday! Today she turned 11. She shared this special day with us by bringing in some yummy ice cream sandwiches. Thank you, Swetha -- and we wish you many, many more special birthdays in the years to come.

Hope all the kids sleep good and hard tonight. The aunties definitely will :-) See you in the morning ...