June 30, 2009

Morning Prayers Recited:

Om Saha naavatu (My Prayers, page 6)
Karagre Vaasate (My Prayers, page 43)
Sarasvati Namastubhyam (My Prayers, page 44)
Guru Brahma (My Prayers, page 9, third shloka)

Vedic Chanting: Medha Sukhtam with Panditji. (Chinmaya Book of Vedic Chants, page 35)


Storytime with Swamiji: Swamiji told the story of Lord Vishnu's third avatara, Varaaha. We also got to watch a movie on Varaaha.

Shaanti Circle Discussion: After our morning prayers, we played a game to see if we knew what three minutes felt like. Many of the children thought they knew, so we asked them to close their eyes and raise their hands when they thought three minutes were up. They were not allowed to giggle or shift their body at all ... instead they had to remain perfectly still -- and quiet. We must say that these children did great!! Many of them were pretty close to estimating the correct time -- and truthfully, we think they could have sat longer. Perhaps we'll up the time to 4 minutes at our next session :-)

After our "time game" we spent a few minutes talking about Mahatma Gandhi and how important he is (and was) to India and the world. Some of the children did not know what he looked like, so we had some books and photographs available so they could see him. We also had a Book Charkha and brass takhli (hand spindle) out so that we could show the children what cotton spinning was. We began a discussion on our very favorite word "ahimsa" and its definition. We explored the many different ways in which we can be harmful to others ... in our words, actions and thoughts.

During our afternoon circle time we spent a few minutes talking about the word "humility" and its definition. After the children shared their ideas, we then read the book "Once a Mouse ..." by Marcia Brown. (This is a famous Indian fable about a Rshi and a mouse.) We talked about how important it is to be modest and humble -- in all of our thoughts and actions.

Art Project: The younger children spent some time designing a picture of MatsyaH (Lord Vishnu's first avatara.) Tomorrow we will have them turn it into a pop-up card. You can view some of their drawings in today's photo Gallery.

The older children mainly worked on bead looms and Lego Science kits.

End of Class Prayers: Poornamadah, Chinmaya Pledge

Photo Gallery: June 30 (click here to view)

Comments: Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will will set up a charkha spinning station so that each child can spend a few minutes working on this machine ... even the youngest children will be able to experience the charkha -- because we will assign one of the aunties to be there throughout the day. We really want the children to have a hands-on connection to this important piece of Indian history.

Also, we will be setting up a station for japa mala making. The tulsi beads will be available for the children to knot. We will encourage them to complete this mala by Friday, so Swamiji can teach us how to properly hold and chant with it.

Panditji has been working wonderfully with the children as they learn Medha Sukhtam! He told us today that he will allow us to practice with the book Wednesday and Thursday -- but we will not be allowed to use our Chanting Book on Friday!! :-) We think that he will be teaching us a new one next week ... we'll definitely keep everyone posted.

Our caterpillars are now resting peacefully in their net -- if all goes well, we'll have about 40 butterflies to release by the beginning of next week. Our ashram pets ... the Painted Lady Butterflies, will be flying throughout the ashram gardens. We can't wait!