June 24, 2009

Morning Prayers Recited:

• Om Saha naavatu
• Karagre Vaasate
• Sarasvati Namastubhyam
• Guru Brahma

Vedic Chanting: We began our Vedic Chanting today, and we definitely are excited about our first class! Panditji is teaching Medha Sukhtam (page 35 in our Chanting Book.) Everyone is learning this chant -- including all the aunties and youth volunteer. This is such a great opportunity for us -- none of us want to squander this blessing.

Bhajans: Ganesha Sharanam and Subramanyam

Storytime with Swamiji: MatsyaH Avatara (movie), the second half.

Shaanti Circle Discussion: We met our new auntie and two new students today. After they introduced themselves, we asked them our "Jelly Bean Questions." Ruchi Auntie actually sang us her favorite song -- we were impressed. Good going, Ruchi Auntie ...

Art Project: The younger grades (1-3) made a beaded MatsyaH. The older grades (4 and up) finished their Hari OM bracelets and began knotting a japa mala.

End of Class Prayers: Poornamadah, Chinmaya Pledge

Photo Gallery: June 24 (click here to view)

Comments: Today we began our japa mala beading. The older grades have started knotting their beads ... saying "Om Namah Shivaya" with each bead and knot. We hope to have these completed by the end of the week. If not, then they can definitely do this during their independent project time or the following week. We have been waiting for a shipment of Tulsi Beads to arrive from India ... and, unfortunately, it looks like they will not be here this week. Once they arrive, we will encourage the children to knot another japa mala with these sacred beads.

Some of the old children have begun designing their own bead patterns on graph paper and are weaving them on the bead looms. Definitely check out our budding artists' work on today's picture galleries.

The younger children worked on a MatsyaH bead buddie -- to hang on their backpacks. Thus far, this week we have completed a turtle (kuurmaH), a mouse (muuShakaH), and a fish (matsyaH). Tomorrow they will begin to string 108 beads for a japa mala.

It was really inspiring to hear the children recite Medha Sukhtam after panditji. He had us repeat every word two times, making sure that our pronounciation and intonation was correct. Swamiji explained to us that by learning and chanting the Medha Sukhtam, daily, our memories will become crystal clear and sharp -- and some of the "older" volunteers seemed pretty psyched about this!

We ended our day with a very special celebration for Maya and Marisha's birthday. Maya turned 9 today, and Marisha turned 6 a few weeks ago. We wish them a very Happy Birthday, and many many more for years to come! Their father and grandmother brought in a yummy cake which disappeared in no time at all. The kids devoured it -- and we were very happy to learn that this delicious concoction was 100% egg free. Many thanks Maya and Marisha!

We've been promising the kids a massive hose down -- and we're thinking tomorrow (Thursday) is going to be the day. Please have them wear waterproof shoes (if they have). Flip flops or Crocs are really good.